The sugar season is here and in our children dentistry office; we can keep your kids’ teeth in good health. Halloween brings bags full of candy treats that can often last until Thanksgiving. This marks the beginning of a sugar-filled three months where everyone’s teeth are in jeopardy of being harmed by an increase in sugar. Start the holiday season by having your children’s teeth cleaned so that you know they are going into it healthy.
Once you know that your kids’ teeth are cavity free, it becomes important to keep them that way. Remember that what they eat and drink plays a direct role in how healthy they are. Foods that are high in sugar can increase their risk of cavities and decrease their immune system. On the other hand, foods like green leafy veggies, lean protein, and dairy products can help to strengthen your child’s teeth and body. Incorporate healthy foods into their diet and eliminate the things that are bad for them so that they can stay in better health now and into adulthood.
When Halloween rolls around, it is hard to prevent your kids’ from getting into the candy. Even if you don’t trick-or-treat, it is everywhere. You can help to keep their teeth healthy by brushing with a soft toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. The fluoride will actually help to prevent cavities because it is a mineral that will make the teeth stronger. At our children dentistry office, we can also conduct a fluoride treatment when they have their teeth cleaned.
Here are additional ways you can keep your kids away from sugar this Halloween:
- Go to a movie. Instead of trick-or-treating, take them to a movie, bowling or do some other fun activity. Your kids may be just as excited to do something fun with you, regardless of whether it is the normal Halloween activity. Let them stay up late and just enjoy each other’s company.
- Throw a party. You don’t have to go out to dress up. Host a party for all of the neighborhood kids and let everyone come in their favorite costume. You can play games, eat healthy snacks, and dance the night away. Give away prizes instead of candy.
- Limit how much they eat. If you take your child trick-or-treating don’t let them eat as much candy they want. If you do, the bag will probably be gone by morning! Instead, set a limit that they cannot exceed and once it has been reached – take the candy away. This will prevent a sugar overload.
- Trade the candy for a toy. You can let your kids experience trick-or-treating without the treats. Ask them to trade in the candy for a new toy, a night out, or something else they have been wanting. Show them that they can have fun without the sugar by providing alternative rewards.
Remember that the habits you teach your children now will stick with them as they grow. By showing them that they can have fun without overindulging in something that is bad for them, they will learn a valuable lesson and stay healthier. If you need more help call our children dentistry office and schedule an appointment.