If your child is suffering from excessive tooth and jaw pain, they may be suffering from a damaged or decaying tooth root. Our San Antonio children’s dentists can help, with a root canal treatment.

Ready to visit our office? You can schedule an appointment with our San Antonio childrens dentists online or by calling us during office hours at: 210-435-3333.

What is a root canal?

root canal is a procedure in which the infected areas of a tooth root (the nerve) are removed and then sealed to protect it from bacteria and further damage.


Baby root canals are much easier procedures to perform than adult root canals and are only done when the baby tooth is completely asleep from local anesthetic.

How can such extensive decay be spotted?

By visiting our office and having one of our San Antonio children’s dentists perform a regular 6 month dental exam anddental cleaning, you can increase the possibility of catching such decay early on.

Why is a root canal important?

If it has been determined that your child requires a root canal, it is essential that they get it done as soon as possible to prevent the complete loss of a single tooth or teeth.


Depending on which tooth and how deep the infection is it might become necessary to remove the entire nerve and living portion within the tooth (pulpectomy). In other cases, it is possible to remove just the top portion of the infected nerve and leave some healthy portions in the root tips (pulpotomy).


When the dental caries has reached the center part of the tooth the infection can spread to the bone of the jaw if left untreated. A root canal is done to prevent this from happening and otherwise having to pull the tooth out. Root canals are not 100% effective but rather closer to 90% effective.

How can such extensive decay be spotted?

By visiting our office and having one of our San Antonio children’s dentists perform a regular 6 month dental exam anddental cleaning, you can increase the possibility of catching such decay early on.

I’d like to make an appointment for an exam with my San Antonio children’s dentists!

We’re ready to help protect your child’s smile with our gentle and caring touch. Simply call us at: 210-435-3333 or schedule an appointment online. We can’t wait to see you!